Week 1
Plan: set up a meeting to talk about what music we can release and get a rough idea of when we can start promotion for it
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
create a calendar of when to create accounts, when to start promotion and roughly when we will receive music.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
We will need to speak to the guys about what dates we are going to release the music and if we will be doing a music video
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
we don't have an exact amount of time on how long this will take but we need to make sure and conform how what days everyone is in to sit-down and talk about everything
Research Activity: I watched multiple videos on youtube on how to promote a specific type of music, this was helpful because it allowed me to gain a better understanding of techniques to use when promoting the music
videos i watched:
Week 2
Plan: start my main tasks of research
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
research different ways and techniques of promotion.
What resources will you need?
I will need a computer and youtube to enable me to watch youtube videos on promotion
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
this will vary depending on the length of the video and if i will need to take notes
Research Activity:
watch videos on different types of promotion
Week 3
Plan: start creating accounts
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
set up social media accounts
What resources will you need?
i will need to have email accounts, downloaded apps, a name created for our brand.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
To properly set up a social media account i would say it will take around n hour per account.
Research Activity:
I looked at multiple artist social media accounts to see how they promote, type of post people are interested in
Week 4
Plan: start posting on our social media accounts
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
focus on our Instagram account as well as twitter
What resources will you need?
I need content to be able to post and talk about, our aim for this is to get our views up
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
to post 1 photo or video with content will take around 30 mins as we might need to edit it.
Research Activity:
find out what type of content artist management accounts post to get viewers involved.
Week 5
Plan: Post promotion material and music release dates across allover our platforms
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Continue to post content and start releasing promotion material and dates.
What resources will you need?
need our social media accounts and confirmation of music release dates
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
posting will take around 30 mins each post as need to edit and confirmation.
Research task:
look at how the artist we are promoting usually release their music so that we gain their viewers to our accounts because if they like their content theat will make them want to follow us.
Week 6
Plan: Release music
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
This week we will release the music and then promote the song onto our social media platforms.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take
to upload a youtube video this will take around 30 mins as i will need to edit, create a description, add links and rewatch it to ensure its how we want it.