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Personally I feel the organisation of the bands wasn’t up to the standard it should be. This is because there were multiple issues during the day causing open evening to feel stressful. The improvements that could have been made to make things run smoother on the day was a list of songs prior to the performance so we were aware of the set and time, a practice before to check the songs were suitable for parents and future students to hear. I also feel like there were bands apart of the line up that should not have been there due to their unprofessional actions towards the equipment and people.


During the night on open evening people had to step up to take people on tours as there wasn’t any of the acting students to help like we were told. This was very unorganised and made things feel uncomfortable as new students like me had to help and we are not sure where everything is. This could have been improved by being more prepared either have more people set to do tours or learnt the way around the college days before hand.



Overall the graffiti wall was successful, lots of other students came to help and joined in. It was also a good way to network with different people as they wrote down their social media details on the wall. A way that this can be improved for the future is, have it on a wall instead of a table as it looks more professional.


I feel that the photo booth was a great idea and was planned very well, however not many future students had the confidence or seemed interested in having a photo taken. This could be due to circumstances such as being with family and it was something people would rather do in an informal setting with their mates. I also think that in the future if this is to work it will need to be placed in the bar so that its a less intense environment. 


There where a few smaller projects throughout the course of the evening such as the map made by faith and the short film made by Ellie. The map turned out to be very successful and i think that it should be made into a larger scale to its more clear for people to understand. I also feel that the film Ellie made was successful, however it wasn’t a necessity for open evening.


Overall we all found that it was a very long day and towards the end of the night everyone was tired and didn’t have much energy to continue. We also feel that everything by the door was overwhelming so people felt stressed with where to go or what to do. I think that as a collective we should have all been more prepared and organized.

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